How To Get Out Of A Rut In 24 Hours

Joseph Basu
5 min readDec 9, 2021

We’ve all been in a rut before. A seemingly bottom-less well that only makes the light source dimmer and dimmer the further you fall in.

But in reality, It’s a situation akin to that of a child falling into a ditch and not getting up. To a third person this situation seems trivial and that is because it is. In the same way, your situation is not as hard as you think it is. In fact, you could overcome it within 24 hours.

Now usually people would elaborate on strategies on how to do things such as studying or working, suggesting ideas such as the Pomodoro technique among others. Whilst I haven’t tried and have heard good news about many techniques, my philosophy remains quite simple.

Just do it, do it now, do it regularly and do it with effort.

Because at the end of the day that advice is the only advice that will actually get you to do it, but is often the one that is ignored the most. That’s why this article isn’t going to be about that because that is on you and whether you choose to do it.

Instead I’m going to be suggesting other things you can do to bring yourself out of this rut.

1. Clean your space

Whether you have a study room, bedroom or you work somewhere in the living or dining room, ensuring that you have a neat, clean and fresh area to work/sleep and live in is of the utmost importance when trying to get yourself into a routine.

People often state the effect of your surroundings on your state of mind and others say that having messy areas can lead to things being lost and generally musty.

Either way by cleaning your space and MAINTAINING it, it allows you to be more proud of yourself, your environment and is one of the easiest good habits that you can maintain after you do it once.

A good example of this is making your bed, which everyone says is the easiest good habit you can build right now and maintain across your life.

2. Move And Don’t Think

People’s state of minds can often fluctuate for many reasons which can either enhance or decrease your willingness to build on your routine or to do the big jobs such as studying etc.

However a great method of maintaining your state of mind is to exercise and meditate. Exercising and meditating continuously can help keep your spirits so that until you reach the point where everything becomes habit, you can keep that iron-fist of discipline on your side. It also helps prevent rut-like events from happening again and is also good for your health in general.

3. Eat Well

In this day and age I don’t really know if I’m old-fashioned or still contemporary when I say that eating 3 meals a day should be standard. Most of my friends eat 2 meals and those that eat 3 meals usually eat just a muesli bar for lunch which still baffles me.

Eating every meal, especially breakfast which a lot of people miss out on is imperative for your life. You need energy, a good mood and some weight and all of this is provided by food.

4. Sleep Well

Everything comes in a cycle. By exercising well you want to eat well, by eating well you want to sleep well, and by sleeping well you can actually experience everything and live to a better degree than before.

Now I know everyone sleeps very less which is not good at all. But luckily, by cultivating the previous habits this shouldn’t be a problem, aim for 8–10 hours of sleep.

A good way to ensure this is to designate a time when you wake up and stick to that even if you feel sleepy. From here on out exercising well and eating well should get you to sleep on time BUT if you use electronics in the late hours that changes things.

You should stop using electronics an hour before bed and should not do anything mentally taxing such as studying or working. Through this your entire cycle is optimised and you reach a flow where your body gets stronger and more adaptive every day. Soon, ruts will be nothing more than a distant memory.

However, there is still one more thing you need to have:

5. Play Hard

I already explained why you should study hard before but hand in hand is also playing hard. Enjoy yourself, do things you like, whether it is a hobby, with friends, can earn money or is just down-right chilling. Don’t find your current lifestyle unsustainable or in need of a vacation often because that means that it isn’t the best it can be. And always, be happy with what you are doing! Wherever you are doing it from.

Thank you for reading,

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Joseph Basu

