The Only 3 Exercises You Need For The Rest Of Your Life

Joseph Basu
4 min readDec 10, 2021

Most people either do or want to exercise for various reasons, either for external validation, internal validation or due to external circumstances.

However, for those of you who don’t want to be concerned about exercising and want to focus on bigger things but still want to maintain a healthy routine, let me introduce you to the only 3 exercises you need for the rest of your life.

1. Swimming

Swimming is one of the best holistic exercises, it provides the same stimulation to the legs as running without all of the joint pain from hitting the concrete, gives your arms the resistance it needs without needing to take constant breaks on push-ups and to top it all off, it provides a great boost to your respiratory system without almost collapsing on a run.

Being in a different environment like water is also a good change for your body and mind and sure can help you get a great night’s sleep.

It aids the heart and strengthens your body which makes sure you are constantly fit and toned

Depending on your schedule you can change it but I’d recommend that you swim at least 2 days a week.

2. Cycling

Cycling is another great sport and exercise which helps your entire body without any of the risks that can be associated with exercises such as heavy weights and running.

It strengthens your bones which can help with old age or other various bone conditions, improves your posture and ensures you don’t become a hunchback that is usually related with age and once again improves your cardiovascular fitness, your strength, endurance, mobility and your weight/fitness.

Whilst you may think that joints are affected due to the repetitive motion but in actuality, your joints are actually much stronger, flexible and less easily stressed than if you didn’t cycle.

It’s also a great exercise to do with people of all ages and can be an exciting complement to many activities, whether you are going for a picnic on the coast, travelling through a park or just going for a ride with friends and family.

It is truly a sport for everyone. One that you can take with you till the end of your days.

3. Skipping

This is by far my most favourite exercise and the one you should do if you want to keep fit and healthy without having to go outside or travel to venues. It is the only exercise you can do within your own home and this aspect of it makes it by far the most convenient.

Skipping can make you sweat, reach PB heart rate levels and make your forearms ache within a few minutes. It can keep you fit, reduce your fat and tone all of your legs, arms and keep your cardiovascular system in check.

Flexibility and co-ordination is key and both of which are achieved here and the downsides cannot be seen. Also, there are many different variations of skipping which ensure that you won’t get bored and can progress further and further if you ever feel that you want to kick it up a notch.


4. Boxing

Boxing isn’t for the faint-hearted but I don’t think you have to go into boxing as serious as you think you have to. Sparring with friends, shadow-boxing or just punching a punching bag are all exercises that provide great co-ordination, flexibility, cardiovascular activity, stronger hands and sturdy legs.

It can also be handy in a situation whether you’re at a bar, in a dangerous situation or whether you want to go spar and finesse what you’ve learnt on someone.

With these exercises, you’ll be set to have a strong and healthy life and can focus on other matters which may seem important to you.

Overall, this will ensure you live long and even in your old age, your body will still be strong and capable, better than some of those in the younger generations today.

Thank you for reading,

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Joseph Basu

